“From the start of the process, to the end of the process, Go Solar WNY, was both professional and a pleasure to work with. From giving a rough estimate just based on aerial view to get a good idea of a base of where to start and something to compare with other companies, Bob was concise but easy to understand when when trying to learn about the whole process. He was able to answer all my questions including those that had very little to do with my project, but just solar as a whole. There was absolutely no pressure to sign on with him which is one of the main reasons I did. He’s really not a sales guy, he just gives you the details and the price.
He was able to start my project a whole month earlier than originally anticipated, but based on my availability, which was absolutely fantastic.
Everything looks great from the ground. Very happy with the amount of detail Bob and his team put in to make sure the final product is not only functional, but is pleasing to the eye. It was super important to us. Absolutely no conduit on the roof, everything is in the attic. I really appreciate his team for their professionalism and their speediness of getting the job done. Looking forward to the next few months of being able to see the daily production.”
-Michael Krisch – Town of Cambria, NY homeowner