Go Solar WNY is committed to making an impact.
Project Solar Bear
With your Residential Solar Installation, you immediately begin reducing your household’s carbon footprint and its effect on Global Warming. By doing so, you will have already taken a positive and helpful step toward slowing the melting of the polar icecaps.
Additionally, Go Solar WNY will symbolically adopt a polar bear in your family’s name and post a lawn sign in front of your new Solar Array to show your neighbors the example you’re setting for green energy in your neighborhood. Proceeds from your Solar Bear adoption will be donated to World Wildlife Fund, the world’s leading wildlife conservation organization.

Go Solar WNY, on behalf of its customers, has adopted:
- Solar Bear “Pete” VanPeursem of Amherst, NY
- Solar Bear “Fruit Loop” Pearl of Lockport, NY
- Solar Bear “in Loving Memory of Eric M.” Westcott of Lockport, NY
- Solar Bear “Stella Oceana” Lubacz of West Seneca, NY
- Solar Bear “Charlotte” of Newfane, NY
- Solar Bear “Pamela” Stewart of Ransomville, NY
- Solar Bear “Mario” Mark of Middleport, NY
- Solar Bear “Sutton” Kleinhans of Lockport, NY
- Solar Bear “Azamat” Watson of Lewiston, NY
Call us today to Go Solar!